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Project Week Lviv 2018

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Project Week Lviv 2018

Social Entrepreneurship in the Ukraine

The projectweek which took place at the end of october 2018 in Lviv in the western part of the ukraine, was the second one in that country. But it was the first projectweek at all, which had social entrepreneurship as its subject. 19 youngsters from Lviv dealt with social enterprises and projects from their neighborhood. One of them was “WoodLuck”. The young Start-Up produces high-quality furnitures while following the “One plus one” principle. For every sold furniture they donated another one.

Social and charitable institutions in the Ukraine have another legal position than in the EU. Most of them are first of all “normal” businesses which have to survive on the free market. But they use their profit for chartitable purposes. Another example was an sport- and tourism-company which organises canoe- and raftingevents for businesses but which also organises public sport-festivales and built a public gym under a bridge.

Besides those exciting talks it was even more impressive to see how the youngster became active themselves. Several times they visited the social company “Emmaus house” which are engaging in several charitable directions in Lviv. They helped to sort and pick clothes in a second -hand-shop, in which former homeless people are employed. Thanks to the profits of this shop they can sleep and live near that shop. The young people furthermore supported a soup kitchen in the center of Lviv. And they took their time and helped handicaped people with creating christmas-decoration and postcards. But it was even more important just to talk to those people.

SocioMovens projectweeks are more than dealing and talking about social problems. Especially the spiritual impuls in the morning and the reflection of the day in the evening helped to create a familiar atmosphere in which the young adults could talk about their experiences and where they could stimulate the others to think about themselfes. Particulary the personal story of the referent of the Fazenda da Esperanca was deep touching. Besides, several pedagogical games created fun and diversion.

Furthermore in the middle of the week the whole group visited an goat-farm, which included a goat-cheese-tasting.

The main-aim of the week was to think about own ideas for own social businesses and projects. Animated by the experiences and positive examples of the week, the young entrepreneurs were full of ideas. For example they now have the plan to recycle old clothes and remnant to creating new cloth together with design-students. They want to sell them in an online-shop and use the profit to invest into reafforestion-projects. Another idea is to give private english-lessions.

Those “normal” lessons should fund further and free lessons for orphans.

The Highlight at the end of the week was a bowling-evening. Before that the youngsters had organized a ralley-games which lasted over several hours, for orphans, which were at the end exhausted but really happy. At the end all the participants got certificates for their successfol week.