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Monthly Archives: February 2019

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Monthly Motto February’ 19

„Break the chain!“

Holy Scripture: John 4, 16-18

„We have recognized and faithfully accepted the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever stays in love stays in God and God stays in him. … Fear does not exist in love, but perfect love dispels fear.“

Freedom – what a big word! Many people say freedom is the most important thing in life. But what does it really mean to be “free”? I think it means more than just doing and letting what you want. It also means more than having as much free time – as tempting as that may be. Maybe we have to first recognize what makes us unfree: if I see my neighbor as a rival or as a threat, then that binds me like a chain. So we are invited to change our view of the Other and do and wish him good. This will dissolve the inner blocks of fear and anger. So freedom gets a much deeper meaning. God then gives us freedom that comes from within and radiates outwards. I can then say to others: “I do not fear you, because I love you!”. That’s the look that God has on us. We are invited to recognize this and to do the same. So we can do it, as Gen Verde sings: “Break the Chain!”

Jakob Ohm

YouTube Video “Break the Chain” by Gen Verde