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Category Archives: Monatsmotto

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Monthly Motto November’ 19

„Play fair – Be honest with you and with the others!“

Holy Scripture: Ps 51,12

„Make me, God, a pure heart and give me a new constant spirit.“


There are many situations where we have to meet the needs of others. Tests at school or at university can be situations like these or social expectations in terms of behavior or appearance. That does not have to be negative, because rules often make living together possible. But still: it is important to give your life a “red thread” and not to lose sight of what you desire and hope in the heart. It is often not easy to recognize that. It can help if we practice it in the company of others who are good with us and to whom we can honestly communicate our wishes. This is how we learn to give our life a direction and to set our own accents, which then do not go at the expense of others but also make their lives more beautiful and richer. And because we can rely on the support of God, we can ask with the ancient prayer from the psalms: “Make me, God, a pure heart and give me a new constant spirit!”. If we live like this, the “red threads” of our lives will become a beautiful and sustainable network for all.

Jakob Ohm

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Monthly Motto July ’19

“Made to be played!” (After the song by Gen Verde)

Holy Scripture: Ephesians 4: 3

Seek to save the Unity of the Spirit


After an exciting football game, it is often analyzed which players deserve special credit for the victory, who were the “playmakers”. However, the scorers themselves often say: without the cooperation of the whole team their success would not have been possible. Only if a player constantly pays attention to where his teammates are standing and has open eyes for the whole of the game, he moves forward. You could almost say that he plays well only if he lets himself be played by the rhythm of the game and his colleagues.

I think that’s a nice analogy to our everyday life and to our coexistence: we can only achieve the real good if we allow ourselves to be addressed by others and have open eyes and wide hearts for them. Only then does a creative “interaction” arise: the hardships and worries of life keep their seriousness, but if we share them and carry them together, they may lose their horrors.

YouTube Video Made to be Played by GenVerde

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Monthly Motto February’ 19

„Break the chain!“

Holy Scripture: John 4, 16-18

„We have recognized and faithfully accepted the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever stays in love stays in God and God stays in him. … Fear does not exist in love, but perfect love dispels fear.“

Freedom – what a big word! Many people say freedom is the most important thing in life. But what does it really mean to be “free”? I think it means more than just doing and letting what you want. It also means more than having as much free time – as tempting as that may be. Maybe we have to first recognize what makes us unfree: if I see my neighbor as a rival or as a threat, then that binds me like a chain. So we are invited to change our view of the Other and do and wish him good. This will dissolve the inner blocks of fear and anger. So freedom gets a much deeper meaning. God then gives us freedom that comes from within and radiates outwards. I can then say to others: “I do not fear you, because I love you!”. That’s the look that God has on us. We are invited to recognize this and to do the same. So we can do it, as Gen Verde sings: “Break the Chain!”

Jakob Ohm

YouTube Video “Break the Chain” by Gen Verde