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socioMovens Magyarországon – “Mach mit!”

logo_kapc„Come on in/Let’s connect“- this is the title of the project weeks which already took place in Hungary. Similar tot he project weeks in other central-and eastern European countries the joint experience and the resulting reinforcement of social awareness were to the fore. On March 23-29, 2014 the first project week took place in an educational institution near the serbian border. Approximately 20 students from different schools around Szeged got to meet one another. They also visited numerous charitable 2014-03_Ungarn-12institutions in the locality (like a retirement home and  a homeless shelter). Furthermore numerous experts were called in who reported about their work and experience with people affected by social problems. About a year later the youth social project week took place in South Hungary for a second time. A new and impressive item on the agenda was the ,,living library“ where the young people were able to „read“ in their biographies of the invited persons who narrated from their own special lives. Day’s close, the two groups met each other and discussed in which way the further networking and continuation of those experiences can be made possible in the future. They all looked forward to the  trip to Berlin,

where they finally got in contact with the young people from the other countries. ,,We already made plans on how to meet up again. Those two days where we could see each other gave us the strenght we need to solve the problems we face. I hope we will meet each other soon, my new and my old friends.“ (Klaudia, participating student in 2014 about the meeting in 2015).

Our local cooperation partner in Hungary is:ungarn
