Monthly Motto September 2020
Annual Motto: „Vidimus! – We have seen!“
Bible verse for September 2020: Mt 25, 38
„Lord, when did we see you naked?“
One look can do a lot: You probably also know situations in which you feel insecure, harassed or judged by the looks of others. And how easy it is to look down on others. – I am thinking in particular of people living on the street who are defenselessly exposed to the disparaging looks of others. Looking away, however, is not an alternative. On the contrary: we should take a closer look: with a look of understanding, interest, affection. This experience can lead us to a fundamental question of community life: How do I perceive my fellow human beings? What signals do I send to them, often without words?
Maybe this month we can resolve to change our view of the world and the people around us: benevolence instead of rejection, trust instead of mistrust. I am sure: This changed view makes relationships possible where we would not have expected them before. And we can always rely on this: Jesus wants to meet us in the other – and he always looks at us lovingly.
Jakob Ohm