Board of Directors
According to our statute socioMovens contains two central organs. Beside our members, which come together at least once every to years in an orginary general meeting, the board of directors settels the interests of the association. It contains the following people at moment
- Matthias Hembrock, priest in Bocholt, chairman
- Jakob Ohm, Deutschland, vice chairman/ managing director
- Marcin Adamiec, poland
- Pavol Fedorko, slowakia
- Emil-Alin Irimicuc, romania
- Kristaps Oliņš, latvia
- Prälat Dr. Peter Klasvogt, Germany, as Kommende-director permanent member of board of directors
- René Scheer, Germany treasurer,
- Bogdan Tachynskyj, ukraine, member of the extended board of directors
- Nikola Tomasevic, croatia, member of the extended board of directors
Advisory Board
At the congress „Giving Europe a Soul“ , where socioMovens was founded in 2014 a round table of referents and agents of social ethical institutions was constituted with the following members. While the Cross Cultural Youth Meeting at the end of august 2015 it was established as an advisory board
- Päpstlicher Rat Iustitia et Pax
- Prof. Dr. Stjepan Baloban, Kath.-Theol. Fakultät der Universität Zagreb
- Kaplan Michael Berentzen, Münster
- Pfarrer Hervé-Marie Cotten, Le Mans
- Steffen Eikenbusch, Tübingen
- Beni Enderle, Loppiano/Florenz: International Performance Group GenRosso
- Erich G. Fritz, Dortmund: MdB a.D., Politican of foreign and econpmic affairs
- Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Gabriel, Vienna, Vereinigung mitteleuropäischer Sozialethiker
- Pfarrer Matthias Hembrock, Bocholt
- Prälat Dr. Peter Klasvogt, Dortmund: Sozialinstitut Kommende Dortmund
- Dr. Stefan Klug, Paderborn
- Stefan Lunte, Brussels: COMECE
- Bischof Adrianus van Luyn SDB, Bonn: COMECE
- Dr. Mykhaylo Melnyk, Kiew: Iustitia et Pax / Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
- Tim Peters, Ukraine, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Kharkiw
- Prof. Dr. Peter Schallenberg, Paderborn: Katholische Sozialwissenschaftliche Zentralstelle (KSZ)
- René Scheer, Dortmund: Innovationsallianz NRW_Hochschulen / Christliche soziale Initiative „Stern im Norden“, Dortmund / referent for business and corporate ethics Leibniz-FH, Hannover
- Dr. Volodymyr Scheremeta, Ivano Francisc, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Environmental Bureau
- Mons. Marian Subocz, Warschau: Caritas Polska
- Paul Stapel, Kempten: Fazenda da Esperança
- Lukas Trötzer, Düsseldorf