Monthly Motto November 2020
Jahresmotto: Vidimus! – We have seen! – Wir haben gesehen!
Bible verse for November 2020: Mt 25, 35
„I was hungry and you gave me to eat.“
We live in a time of “social distancing”: Much of what has made up our everyday life and also our commitment to socially disadvantaged people is not possible in the usual form now. In this situation, the question can quickly arise: “Does it even make sense to get involved, if in the end perhaps everything cannot be realised as desired?” I believe that it is especially important in times of uncertainty to remember what our heart actually burns for and with whom we have already had the experience that our hunger for life and love is satisfied. During this month let us consciously seek contact with our companions so that we carry each other through the time of crisis and do not lose sight of anyone. I am sure that our hunger for community and life will be a good guide to us, so that we can keep our distance, but be close in our hearts and have an experience of hope with one another and connected with Jesus.
Jakob Ohm