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Author Archives: Jakob Ohm

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Monthly motto November 2017

“Make a difference! – Big goals we can reach only together!”

Bible Text: (Mt 18,20)

„For where two or three are come together in my name, there am I among them.!“



„If I had only asked for help!“ – Do you also know this feeling? We often face situation in which we think that we can make everything on our own and alone. And then: nothing works! For me it is always a fascinating expirience when I can meet persons who give me the feeling in these situations: yes, it can work but: only together! If we can rely on each other many things can be solved easily. And even the big challenges seem not too difficult anymore. Jesus even tells us: If you build a real community and help the others I’ll be right there for you! Let us try to make this expirience in the next moth: together!

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National youth meetings 2017

During this summer, there have been several national meetings in poland, hungary or romania. There will be detailed reports from the meetings soon, but here are some pictures and Videos as a first impression

Impressions from the polish national youth meeting



Impressions from the romanian national youth meeting



Impressions from the hungarian national youth meeting



youth meeting in Szeged with Gen Rosso and KatHáz 🙂

Gepostet von socioMovens am Samstag, 8. Juli 2017

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Monthly motto September 2017

“Take care of – treat everybody with respect, everybody is important!”

Bible Text: (Mt 25,40)

„What you did to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me..“


„Take care!“ – in the english language this is a very common phrase to say good bye. It means something like „take good care of yourself“ or „have a good time“. Actually it is a pleasant wish if somebody tells me that i shall have a good time.

Our motto even goes a little bit further: treat everybody with respect because everybody is important. This means: „This very human beeing needs my help or a nice word.“ Let us use every opportunity to care for the others, especially for the (so called) humble ones. Then we can make the expirience that we get also closer to God.

Jakob Ohm