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Monthly Motto March 2020

Annual motto: Vidimus! – We have seen! – Wir haben gesehen!

Bible verse for march 2020: Mt 25,37

„Lord, when did we see you hungry and gave you to eat or thirsty and gave you to drink?“


Hunger and thirst – or in other words: eating and drinking – are probably the most basic human needs. If you look at the world with open eyes, it is definitely a reason for gratitude that there are hardly any people in our regions who have to starve or who don’t have access to clean water. The people in need that we encounter in everyday life are usually much less visible: the old lady, for whom every cent counts, or the little boy, whose shoes are getting too small because new clothes are too expensive for the family. And people with an unfulfilled hunger for real life and true encounter are often completely invisible. So here they are: the people who need our open eyes more than ever. Hunger and thirst can also indicate that we have a deep desire – a hunger – in ourselves. If we share this desire with each other again and again, our hearts can become wide and our eyes open. Then the first step is taken to see in the needy ones of our time Jesus himself, who can satisfy our deepest hunger for life and love.

Jakob Ohm

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Annual motto 2020

Vidimus – We have seen

Dear friends of our socioMovens movement!

Literally overnight we entered into a new year. With hopes, worries, expectations. Time does not stand still, and we in time do not stand still either. There is the question, with which attitude, which attitude we enter the new time. How should we face all that is new, unknown, challenging? The answer is simple: with open eyes and a sharpened mind. There is no reason to be afraid and discouraged, because whatever happens: God even in the New Year wants to meet us in all possible ways, to accompany us and stand by our side. And with him we can look more closely, perceive what we are facing and what provokes our compassion, our passion, our commitment.

Therefore, I would like to propose to all of us a motto for the year, which we can update and concretize month after month: “We have seen” – in Latin: “Vidimus“. We find this word at a very decisive point in the Gospel, which makes it clear what is important ultimately. The astonishment is great among those who have done everything right: “Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you food or thirsty and give you drink?” (Mt 25: 37)

Do we stop and help?

You might think it’s normal to look away when others are in need; that we have an eye for those who need our attention and sympathy – whether they are people on the street; colleagues or friends who ask for help; classmates or fellow students with whom no one else wants anything to do …

Do we see them? Do we pass by – or do we stop, perceive them, turn to them and give our time, our help, also our money …

Dear friends, as a socioMovens movement we have learned to look more closely, to get involved and to share our experiences with each other. And we will perhaps be equally astonished to find that such a looking – “Vidimus” – also becomes for us an experience of faith and encounter with God. For the promise of Jesus is still valid today: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40).  

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Monthly Motto December’ 19

„Hang in – Don’t give up, even when it is difficult!“

Holy Scripture: Jes 40,29

„He gives power to the tired ones and He gives strenght to those who are exhausted“


Sometimes, the temptation is to live up to the day and simply be in “relax” mode permanently. Recently, Pope Francis has said something fascinating to us young people: “Dear young people, do not miss the best of your youth, do not look at life from a balcony. Do not confuse happiness with a sofa and do not spend all your life in front of a screen. Put something on the line, even if you make mistakes. Do not be mere survivors with an anesthetized soul and do not look at the world as if you were tourists. Let us hear from you! Be alive! Dedicate yourself to the best of life! Open the cage door and fly out! Please do not retire before you even get old!” I think there’s nothing to add to that. Let’s try it!

Jakob Ohm